He Said “Press”

I may never get it
exactly what Your plan was when You took him home.
And the pain remains
For You made my wife’s heart to beat with my husband’s.
But You show me
How even the pain can remind me of Your bigger plan.
And I finally rest
As I let You be God, even the God of my husband’s death.

Patti McCarthy Broderick shares her journey as a military member and military wife into and through widowhood. Her husband, Mark, an Air Force pilot, was killed in a training accident in the Adriatic Sea. His last words heard by his wingman, “Bane Two, press” became God’s word to Patti during the early days after Mark’s death… to “press on,” encouraging her to put “one feeble foot in front of the other.”

He Said “Press”: Hearing God Through Grief by Patti McCarthy Broderick

He Said, “Press” is more than a book to help you endure your grief. Through its moving poetry, transparent wrangling with God and practical insights, this book will challenge you to give God dominion over every aspect of your grief. Only then will you hear His voice and see how He is able to use your grief for His eternal purposes.

Endorsements for He Said “Press”He Said "Press"

Whether your tragedy involves marriage, children, health or like Patti, you find yourself a widow at thirty with three small children, within these pages, you will discover godly counsel and comfort. Her courage and faith will encourage you as it does me. I highly recommend this book.
– Linda Dillow, Author of Calm My Anxious Heart, The Blessing Book and co-author ofIntimate Issues

In He Said, “Press,” Patti has rendered the most valuable service one Christian can render to another: She has taken God at His word, trusted in His character and promises, and found Him to be faithful. Widows and non-widows alike will find encouragement for weak knees, and inspiration to put their full weight on God’s unfailing love.”
– Andree Seu, Senior Writer, World Magazine

Patti has given the military community a treasure. In her compassionate story and through her beautiful poems, she offers healing to all who have lost a loved one in the cause of freedom
– Chaplain, Major General, Charles C. Baldwin

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