Opportunities to Serve

Express your interest to Serve Those Who Serve with the Cru Military by clicking the button below to fill out a form. A member of our staff will follow up with you.

Local Volunteer

General volunteer staff meets specific needs throughout the ministry. For exampleserving at event registration tables, providing meals for small group events, assisting Bible study leaders, etc. are all practical examples of how volunteer staff can serve.

  • No compensation for services rendered
  • Must be actively serving, but no fixed commitment of hours
  • Orientation and local training required

Missionary Staff

Missionary Staff are Supported Staff members who meet the qualifications to be a member of a Religious Missionary Order.  The supported staff members trust the Lord to raise funds for Cru equivalent to their pay plus expenses.

  • Part-time and full-time opportunities available
  • Missionaries can join as a couple or individually
  • The supported staff members trust the Lord to raise funds for Cru equivalent to their pay plus expenses.
  • Required to attend New Staff Orientation and Cru Conferences
Please note: as all missionaries do, our missionaries raise their support. We do not have hourly/salaried positions available at this time.

Our Commitment to You

As you serve:

  • You will see changed lives through the message of the gospel. We will provide training and support to help you be comfortable sharing your testimony and presenting the gospel, and we will extend opportunities where you can present the gospel to the global military community.
  • You will develop meaningful relationships with those in your ministry team, as well as those to whom you are ministering. You will connect with like-minded co-laborers to reach others for Christ. You will gain confidence in helping others grow and mature in their faith through discipleship.
  • You will experience significant opportunities to advance God’s Kingdom with an eternal impact. We will help you to use your strengths, talents, and abilities to raise up Christ-centered multiplying disciples, who are ready to begin a meaningful ministry of their own.
To learn more about serving with Cru Military, email us at serve@crumilitary.org.

