Military Ministry, a division of Cru Military

A global ministry serving members of the military in their home countries.
Military Ministry, a division of Cru Military is all about local movements with a global impact. To make that happen, God is bringing together a community passionate about connecting the global military community to Christ.
Deep in our hearts, we know that faith makes a difference in the lives of those in uniform. Faith makes a difference to those who answer the call to serve their nations and live with the special conditions and stresses that come with life in the military, whether on the front lines or on the home front… whether before, during or after deployments in harm’s way.
Some of you may know us as “Military Ministry, A Division of Campus Crusade for Christ” helping local families cope with the stresses of overseas deployment; others as “Ministerio Militar” as we reach out to Latin American officers and NCO’s. In the 36 other overseas locations where we minister, “Military Ministry” is often added to the host nation organization, like “Ukraine for Christ Military Ministry.” But regardless of our name, fostering spiritual movements to serve and bless the very best is why we’re here. We provide your “spiritual expertise” in ministering to non-US Forces, led by indigenous Christian military leaders. We are honored and privileged to equip, strain, support, and prayerfully walk alongside. It is to this mission field we are called and to these deserving military members and their families that we are blessed to serve in Christ’s name!
Answered Prayers in Latin America
Ministry staff in Honduras report that the first “Christian Cadet Encounter of Central America and the Caribbean 2019” was a success and the follow up is ongoing. One of our […]
Read MoreMilitary Ministry of Cameroon
Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said, “God does not give us everything we want, but He does fulfill His promises, leading us along the best and straightest paths to Himself.” One specific promise the […]
Read MoreServing Christ Around the World
One of the great joys we have as a global ministry is the opportunity to recognize and appreciate the contributions of military members and families all around the world as […]
Read MoreFaithfulness in Healing Our World
Finding Hope in Struggle During Christ’s first Advent, the known world was one of great upheaval and change. But the Lord was doing some of His most important work against […]
Read MoreAmbassadors of Healing
Ambassadors of Healing With a Global Heart “To care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve […]
Read MoreTime To Embrace A New Direction?
When God calls for a change of plans, whose agenda takes priority? Isaiah 43:19 The earthquake that shook the nation of Nepal on May 12, 2015 12:50 pm with a […]
Read MoreWhere is God in suffering?
Where was God for Alexander? The better question is: where are you? Job 2:9–13 Alexander A. was 49 years old, too old to serve under his nation’s current rules, but he […]
Read MoreStarted by Prayer
A simple prayer over a decade ago, “Lord, help us reach the internationals living right here among us,” launched a movement to international military members stationed in the United States. […]
Read MoreGetting Connected
God created us for community, so no matter where we are, we need to get plugged into a group of believers whom we can serve shoulder to shoulder with, and […]
Read MoreMaking a Spiritual Difference in the Fight
On Thursday, 5 February 2015, hundreds of Boko Haram terrorists attacked churches in Northern Cameroon from across the border region of Borneo in Nigeria. We sincerely ask for prayer for […]
Read MoreHarambee in Marriage
Teamwork A sure formula for success in sports and in the workplace. Teams that know how to collaborate and unite are most effective in reaching their objectives. Teamwork is also […]
Read MorePasta and Discussion
“I don’t understand this,” declared Xiu. “Is it the language?” I asked. “No, it is the Bible. I am not a Christian, so it is all new to me,” answered […]
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