Bringing Hope to Our Heroes
Posted in: Stories

Since 1965, spiritual warriors like you have partnered with Cru Military to help men and women in our global military community discover the life-changing reality of knowing Jesus Christ as Savior.
God called evangelist Dr. Bill Bright and Colonel John Fain to launch this critically needed ministry just as the volatile Vietnam War was escalating. Col Fain, as a WWII pilot, understood how it felt to narrowly escape death.
Even on his way home to the U.S., Col Fain faced danger. His plane hit an air pocket and plummeted hundreds of feet towards the Pacific Ocean. Next, an engine failed. His plane had to limp back to Hawaii for repairs. Finally, as his repaired plane approached San Francisco, the fuel gauge hit Empty and thick fog blocked his landing. As Col Fain recalls next, “A hole appeared suddenly in the bank of fog, and quite miraculously, we were able to drop through and land!” This miracle, and other life-threatening moments, moved Col Fain to commit his life to Christ.
Col Fain’s passion—combined with your passion to help others find Christ—is what continues to drive Cru Military forward today, making these stories possible:
“I found the Lord at basic training and welcomed him into my heart. That’s the best choice I’ve ever made. I’ve been a different person ever since. It’s hard because it feels like the devil is on my back more; it’s weird. I am hoping to get baptized before I graduate. My family is so happy. Thanks for everything.” — Ben*
“I was able to sit down with a cadet, an atheist [who] did not think belief in God was logical given what we know about science. I presented the gospel to him and the evidence for Jesus, His resurrection, and His deity. He left our meeting with a lot to think about. I believe God is working in this young man’s heart, and I felt thankful that God placed me in his path.” — David*
“A lady from Tennessee approached me in a restaurant to thank me for leading her son to Christ. (He had pointed me out.) She was at the Air Force base to see her son graduate from BMT, and she said, ‘You are the answer to every mother’s prayer.’” — Daniel*
As we celebrate 50 years and move forward together, we salute you. It’s your support that is bringing hope to our heroes!
*Names changed for security purposes.