We Grieve Alone
By: Missy Bearden G R I E F As a military spouse for 22+ years I became very familiar with grief. Learning how to grieve missed relationships once we PCS’ed […]

A Salvation Story
A Salvation Story For All Help couldn’t come fast enough Housing 110,000 captives—more than a quarter of them American—Stalag VII A was the largest prisoner-of-war camp in Germany during World […]
E-Kit Resources: Learn How to Share Your Faith
In the E-Kit Video Seminar we stress that the unique attribute that churches provide our military men and women is faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There are many […]

Do I Need a Tattoo too?
The air in the room is blue, colored by the obscenity-laden talk from the group. Arms and necks are decorated with tattoo art. In fact, I am likely the only […]

Where is God in suffering?
Where was God for Alexander? The better question is: where are you? Job 2:9–13 Alexander A. was 49 years old, too old to serve under his nation’s current rules, but he […]

She came for the food
She came for the food. She came because she was hungry. Life in the barracks offered a lot more flexibility than boot camp, but the food still left a lot […]

Jesus at the Laundromat
Bonnie, mother of three was visiting her daughter in Washington DC this spring. One day, helping her daughter out, she toted the laundry off to be washed. It was at […]

Run to the Pain
I have always known, as has anyone who knows us, that Rick and I have very different in personalities. We clearly share the same faith, convictions and values, but the ways […]