A Letter to Chaplains

Dear Chaplain,
As you prepare to transition from active duty, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks for your dedicated ministry to our nation. You have sacrificed much for the spiritual and moral well being of our warriors and their families.
Should you wish to continue in vocational ministry to the military, I would respectfully ask that you consider serving with the Military Ministry of Cru. Our vision is to facilitate spiritual movements throughout the global military community so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus.
Military Ministry’s strategy to fulfill The Great Commission is to work in partnership with Chaplains to evangelize and disciple our military. To help accomplish that goal, we have over 400 full-time (self-funded) and associate (volunteer) staff serving in 17 US and 28 international locations.
Internationally, our focus is to provide the “ministry expertise” to indigenous Christian military leaders; to equip them to minister to non-US forces. We have the honor and privilege to equip, train, support and prayerfully walk alongside them.
Within the US, our outreach initiatives impact seven of our nation’s military boot camps for initial entry training, the US Naval and Air Force Academies, and 10 operational locations. Additionally, we have two important connecting strategies that are designed to enhance ministry within our military communities: the Family Strategy – incorporating small group study resources and marriage events from our Cru sister ministry, FamilyLife; and the
Community Mobilization/PTSD Strategy – which offers education and training through the utilization of our web-based e-Kit and PTSD-oriented “Bridges to Healing” resources: The Combat Trauma Healing Manual, When War Comes Home, age-specific children’s books, and DVD-based counselor’s training, Care & Counsel for Combat Trauma.
While we see many challenges for our global military communities, we also see historic opportunities to be seized. Would you prayerfully consider joining us? If you sense that God is tugging at your heart with a call to serve with our Military Ministry family, we would be honored to have a dialogue with you. Feel free to look over our CruMilitary.org website and then contact us if we might assist you further.
God bless you for your service. And best wishes to you and your family as you continue to serve the Lord!
In Christ,
Joe Ludwikowski,
Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)
Executive Director
The Military Ministry of Cru