Ambassadors of Healing
Posted in: Stories

Ambassadors of Healing With a Global Heart
“To care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.” – President Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address
One of our nation’s greatest president and patriot, Abraham Lincoln, shared those words during his second inauguration to not only bring comfort to a nation weary from war, but to also bring focus on the need that all true patriots could rally around. We need no less inspiration today as Military Ministry of Cru’s efforts to “…those who have borne the battle and for his widows and orphans…” are making a difference in countless nations around the globe as ambassadors of healing.
While we routinely share our efforts at bringing the Good News to U.S. troops, we are equally honored the Lord has allowed us to express his “global heart” through the faithful efforts of our International Team. One international team member making a difference as a patriot in his own country is a dear brother, who for his own safety, we’ll call “Barnabe.” Barnabe is a faithful Military Ministry of Cru staff member ministering in the Francophone portion of western Africa, specifically in those places affected by ongoing hostilities between the terrorist group, Boko Haram, and area government military and security forces. Following a recent trip to the front, this faithful servant shared, “The last part of this trip was the most difficult. For the first time our meetings did not take place in a ventilated or air-conditioned room of a barracks, but on the battlefield at a temperature of 42 degrees C. However, despite the environment, I noticed the soldiers were more receptive to the Word of God. Despite the challenging environment, we brought 85 soldiers to the Lord, and instructed scores in the Inductive Bible Study (IBS) method.” We thank God for “Barnabe” and the countless international staff and volunteers whom God is using to bring His hope to His heroes, wherever they are in the world.
Whether it’s bringing the Gospel to soldiers deployed in Francophone, Africa; sharing God’s word with widows in war-torn Ukraine; or even equipping firstresponders in earthquake-shattered Nepal, you can find one of our international staff or volunteers, like Barnabe, sharing hope, healing and the Good News of Christ. We encourage you to browse to learn about our international work and how YOU too can make a difference