“Does Jesus Christ know me?…”
Posted in: International

The day the government eased the lockdown, I went to the nearest market to buy food. On the roadside, B.M, was standing there asking money from passersby.
As I was walking alongside the road, I saw a man standing on two crutches asking money from passersby. When I approached him, he asked me money too. I told him, yes I have little I can give to him. He was very happy (because he may have not had not many people who could give him money at this time of the pandemic of covid19). He then came near me, as I was looking some coins in my pocket. I told him that I have much more things to share to him than coins, if he is willing. He said yes. I took my phone and showed him the short video when Jesus Christ healed the blind man after he asked him the “Amazing Question”: “What do you want me to do for you?”. He looked in my face and asked: “does Jesus Christ know me?” I said yes, but we are the ones who put Him outside our life! I saw him opening wide his eyes in total disappointment and he asked me how! I said, by sinning! I told him that because of sin, we cannot experience God’s love and plan for our life. I then asked him the “Amazing Question” Jesus Christ asked the blind man: ”what would you want Jesus to do for you right now?” He said he would like Jesus to give him a life free of begging for money! I then shared the Four Spiritual Laws. He was so amazed to know that Jesus Christ loves him and has a wonderful plan for him. He then asked me what he should do to have God’s love. I told him he needs to personally receive Jesus Christ as his Savior and King therefore he can have God’s love!
When we prayed together to receive Christ for the second time, I could see tears rolling in his eyes and he said, “I will never come back begging for money in this street. I am going home right now.”
I asked him what will he do after, he said he will share first to his family that Jesus Christ loves them too. Second, he said he will start helping his wife in her little business, pray in the family and trust in God’s provision. B.M. lost his leg some years back because of a landmine.