FAQs: Finances & Giving
Posted in: Stories

Cru Military is the military ministry of Cru. All donations to Cru Military are handled and processed through Cru’s Donation Services.
How can I donate to Cru Military?
We are excited to have you as a Cru Military Financial partner! You can give to Cru Military electronically or by mail. Visit our Ways to Give page to learn more.
Where do my donations go?
The majority of our donors want their gifts to be used wherever the need is greatest. This allows Cru Military the flexibility to use resources as efficiently as possible. We conform to the highest accounting and financial standards.
Is Cru Military a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA)?
Yes, we are since we are a ministry of Cru. Cru is a founding member of the ECFA.
Can I support Cru Military through CFC?
Yes! We appreciate the support of many Federal employees in our ministry to men and women in uniform through the Combined Federal Campaign. The campaign number is 12040 (T-121).
How can I find a specific staff member or ministry?
To find the staff person or ministry you are looking for, we will transfer you to Give.Cru.org.
Once there try searching:
- By last name only
- By a portion of the last name
- By first name and last initial
- By using a legal first name rather than a nickname
Note: Although most staff members are listed, for security reasons others are not. Some staff members have simply chosen not to list their names.
If you continue to have trouble, please contact Cru:
By e-mail: donation.services@cru.org
By phone: 1-888-278-7233
What is my donor number?
Your donor number is the 9-digit number that can be found above your name on your receipt or statement from Cru or Cru Military. This does not include the letters, spaces or symbols such as “-” or “#”.
For questions, contact Cru by e-mail at donation.services@cru.org
How can I get a receipt for my last gift, including my year-to-date total?
You will receive a tax-deductible receipt for each One-Time contribution you make, as well as mid-year and year-end statements. However, recurring gifts only receive a mid-year and year-end receipt. If you prefer to receive all receipts for your monthly contributions you may specify when making your gift or contact Cru through any of the ways listed below.
By e-mail: Send an e-mail to donation.services@cru.org. Please include your name, address, and contact information (home and work phone). Somewhere in the e-mail, include a request for your giving receipt.
By phone: Call 1-888-278-7233.
Your re-issued receipts should go out within one week.
Where can I find information about donations made by credit card or debit card?
Withdrawal Dates:
For a credit card automatic withdrawal, you can choose any day between the 1st and the 28th of each month by going to Give.Cru.org.
Other options:
You may also set up an Electronic Fund Transfer for your donations, which reduces our administrative expenses.
The most convenient way to make changes to your Recurring eGift is to register for a Web Account at Give.Cru.org. This will allow you to update contact information, access your giving history, update your bank account or credit card, and change, suspend or schedule future gifts. You can also download an EFT agreement form to complete and mail it back to us.
You will receive a tax-deductible receipt for each 1-time credit card contribution you make, as well as mid-year and year-end statements. However, recurring gifts only receive a mid-year and year-end receipt. If you prefer to receive all receipts for your monthly contributions, contact us through any of the ways listed below. Please contact Cru in any of the following ways:
e-mail: egift@cru.org
phone: toll-free 1-888-278-7233 or directly at 407-826-2419 or 407-826-2468
fax: 407-826-2427
mail: Cru, Attn: Credit Card, PO Box 628222, Orlando, FL 32862-8222
Can I donate anonymously?
Yes, you can! Visit our Ways to Donate page to learn more
Where can I mail in a donation?
Donations to Cru Military are handled and processed by Cru Donation Services. To ensure Cru Military receives the donation, please, make checks payable to Cru Military. DO NOT place any other information on the “pay to the order” line. Also, please do not write on the memo line. Please attach a note indicating which staff member or field ministry the gift is intended for. If available please also include the seven-digit designation number. Make sure the check is signed and dated.
Mail to:
Attn: Contributions
PO Box 628222
Orlando, FL 32862-8222
Email: donation.services@cru.org
Call toll free: 1-888-278-7233, 8:00am-5:00pm EST, Monday-Friday
Fax: 407-826-2427
Can I transfer shares of stock, give a stock certificate or give through a Mutual Fund?
Yes, you can! Visit our Ways to Give page to learn more.
Can I make a donation in honor of someone?
Yes, you can! Visit our Ways to Give page to learn more.
If I am an international donor, can I still make a donation?
No matter where you live, you can support Cru Military. Visit our Ways to Give page to learn more.