Prayer Network

How can we pray for you? It’s a privilege and honor for the Prayer Team to lift your requests up to the Lord. Please click the “Share Your Prayer Request” button below and your prayer will be received and prayed over.

For this reason, I am telling you, whatever things you ask for in prayer [in accordance with God’s will], believe [with confident trust] that you have received them, and they will be given to you.    — Mark 11:24 (AMP)

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!


My wife L. has a demon inside her and has for some time. It controls her mind and her actions. It prevents her from seeing the truth and from being able to reason. This demon may be the devil himself. Our family has been torn apart. I am so afraid for her. I know only the love of Jesus Christ through the power of the one God almighty can save her. As a servant of God, a husband, and a father, I beg for your prayers. Please pray that this evil be taken from my wife. Please pray that she is filled with the light of God! Thank you all so much and God bless you.

Received: April 17, 2021

Barbara Tomlinson

Please pray for our children. Daughter Rochelle has mental illness along with post traumatic stress from a childhood event. She has trouble holding a job and with just functioning in everyday life. Son Shannon has health problems tough to deal with. He also seems lost, confused, and without purpose in life. Both have become angry and bitter and blames God and the world. They need physical, emotional, spiritual healing and restoration to the Lord.

Also as parents, we are deep in debt trying to help them and keep them. Please pray for God's help and for His financial anointing.


Received: April 16, 2021


* Please pray for the Lord’s favor with my military disability claim with VA. That I get all the necessary support letters and docs in my favor. Pray that my case goes fully in my favor to 100%.

* I am without a car, pray for Lord’s favor in search for my new vehicle (truck).

* My car was totaled in recent accident; pray the Lord will help me get the necessary reimbursements and claims covered. Pray for Lord’s protection upon me/my wife & 2 kids when we are behind the wheel.

* Pray for my relationship with my 2 daughters, we been having some rough times. Pray for my relationship with my wife, we have had many issues in our marriage.

* Pray for freedom from my addictions. Pray for Lord’s favor and protection upon me as I had been living in sin lately.

* Pray for situation at my work, that people will not be a roadblock for me in my work projects and that I will get favor from Lord. Pray that I can develop further by being focused and advance myself with additional certifications, in my career.

* Finally pray for my walk with God.

Received: March 29, 2021

Donna Simon

Deeper walk in the Lord. All our family members saved. All our children saved and filled with the Spirit. Every soldier living, even the ones that are retired, to be saved, so that way they can be better leaders.

Received: March 13, 2021


Please pray to Father God to deliver my enemies to Jesus.

Received: March 3, 2021

Anthony Roberts

Can you please pray for God to protect me, extend my life for many more years. To free me from attacks from demonic spirits at night that keep me from sleeping. Pray for my marriage, house, successful business, kids. Family restoration. For all generational curses to be broken over my life and lineage. Spiritual growth and understanding of God's word. Make new friends and to be free from addiction. To live a long prosperous life in God.

Received: March 1, 2021


For healing for my father who suffered brain damage as a result of a house fire and in praise and thanksgiving for the progress that he has made to date.

Received: March 1, 2021


Please pray for physical healings and finances.

Received: February 20, 2021

Baptiste Lafferrerie

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

I pray to the Lord to find a job, restore my marriage, fast as much as possible, regain health / quit smoking, my sanctification, be less stressed and find divine wisdom! I pray to find accommodation, that my loved ones will be converted and that the Kingdom of God progresses, be blessed!

Received: February 18, 2021

Pat Burke

Please agree in prayer for members of prayer ministries everywhere who unselfishly stand in the gap for others. Lord, I ask for your Sovereign hedge of protection around them and their families. Bless them with your anointing, and Godly discernment so they have the appropriate words to pray for each request. As they pray in private, may you reward them openly. May there be signs and wonders following their prayers. Pray they would not grow weary in well doing. May no plan of the enemy succeed.

Received: February 6, 2021

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