
God is moving in Panama
Reaching the next generation of military leaders throughout Latin America for Christ doesn’t happen by accident. Cru Military’s Latin American Directors, Brigadier General Rodolfo Interiano, and his wife Eva Interianos-Guzman, lead our efforts to reach the militaries of Central and South America as faithful missionaries of Cru Military.
We believe our vision for Christ-centered, transformational leadership in the militaries of Latin America is both inspired…and doable! We are honored to equip and encourage security forces in Mexico and Panama to faithfully live out their faith as they serve their communities and nations. Our hearts are no less moved for the next generation of leaders. Our “Christian Cadet Encounter” was designed and used to reach cadets in Honduras with the Good News and mentoring them to be godly leaders of integrity. We’re also seeing our influence and expertise being requested through our developing partnerships with other parts of the Campus Crusade for Christ, International family throughout Latin America, and now the Caribbean! We praise God for the blessings we have received and the great opportunities to make a difference for Christ that await us in our hopeful future.