
God is moving in Zimbabwe and across Africa
Ministry to the military does not end at the United States border. God’s hand is moving internationally to change continents for Christ through training, equipping, and partnering with indigenous Christian military leaders across the world. Our vision is to see spiritual movements everywhere so that everyone in the global military community knows someone who truly follows Jesus. Movements which are marked by connecting the lost to Jesus, engaging in their lives so that discipleship results in life change, and helping them develop into leaders who can lead other movements influencing the nations for Christ. This is truly evident in the work the Lord is accomplishing through us on the continent of Africa where we have our largest presence.
Despite seeing turmoil and conflicts raging throughout our world, and this region in particular, God ordained the protection of the people from the earliest days through His institution: the military, police and security services. History tells us that as a nation’s military goes, so goes that nation, whether for good or for evil. It is crucial then that the military be undergirded by the power of Christ. Such a military will not only be a blessing to the nation, but will also serve as a visible example of the goodness of Christ. It is toward this transformational goal that we’re blessed to partner and share Christ’s ministry of healing and reconciliation throughout numerous nations of Africa. In Somalia where pirates and terrorism are a part of daily life, we’re equipping Military Ministry volunteers from Kenya to plant churches and equip a discipleship training center west of Mogadishu. In Ebola-ravaged Liberia, staff and volunteer couples that Cru Military staff equipped just last year were on the front-lines sharing the Gospel of hope and healing quarantined areas and bases where other organizations weren’t allowed. Even in the face of global extremism and violence, when hundreds of Boko Haram terrorists attacked churches in Northern Cameroon from across the border region of Borneo in Nigeria, Military Ministry courageously took our place providing spiritual comfort and resources to troops deployed in this volatile and dangerous region.
Throughout some of the most war-ravaged nations, indigenous ministers are given the opportunity to attend evangelistic and discipleship training events to better prepare themselves to minister to their nation and its military. In these areas where the forces of darkness have encroached, we’re honored the Lord has placed our ministry at the fore of bringing both light and healing to this region in so desperate a need at this time.