Is Jesus Exclusive?
Posted in: Discipleship, Engaging the Military, Personal Growth

Embrace the good news; Jesus is a Non-Exclusive Savior
story by Joe Stowell
I once saw Billy Graham’s daughter Anne Graham Lotz on a popular news talk program. The interviewer asked, “Are you one of those who believe that Jesus is exclusively the only way to heaven?” He added, “You know how mad that makes people these days?” Without blinking, she replied, “Jesus is not exclusive. He died so that anyone could come to Him for salvation.”
What a great response! Christianity is not an exclusive club limited to an elite few who fit the perfect profile. Everyone is welcome regardless of color, class, or clout.
In spite of this wonderful reality, Christ’s claim in John 14:6 to be the only way to God continues to offend. Yes, Jesus is the only way – the only option that works. All of us are guilty before God. We are sinners and cannot help ourselves. Our sin had to be dealt with. Jesus, as God in the flesh, died to pay the penalty for our sins and then rose from the dead. No other religious leader offers what Jesus provides in His victory over sin and death.
The gospel of Christ is offensive to some, but it is the wonderful truth that God loves us enough to come and take care of our biggest problem – sin. And as long as sin is the problem, the world needs Jesus! – Joe Stowell
No one could enter heaven, Our many sins stood in the way; So God in love sent Jesus,
For He alone sin’s debt could pay – D. De Haan
Source: Our Daily Bread