It’s Time To DEPLOY!
Posted in: Deployment, Newsletter

Do you feel the anticipation afoot?
2020 is nearly over, and we are ready to march into the new year on a high note. We’re ready to deploy!
And it all begins with the launch of Spiritually Fit – Ready to Serve (SFRS)!
The new Spiritually Fit – Ready to Serve Guidebooks are now in publication, but that’s just the tip of the spear in our new arsenal of attack for 2021. And that’s what the SFRS unveiling is all about. It’s about launching our exciting new approach and messaging in ministering to those in the armed forces.
Here’s a small taste of what we mean:
- Our Spiritual Fitness Guidebooks have been refreshed to better resonate with new recruits – those from Generation Z who relate so differently from previous generations and are now called the Spiritually Fit – Ready to Serve Guidebooks (SFRS).
- They include an even stronger Christian element, presented in three unique cultural frameworks to further break down barriers that might hinder the Gospel message. This includes a new narrative geared toward both shame-based and fear-based cultures.
- Our newest digital ministry platform enables recruits to connect with us after Bootcamp as well as those deployed to engage with each other – share struggles and common interests around the SFRS Guidebooks and other resources. Servicemembers will have the opportunity to stay connected with their peers even as they are deployed to various locations around the world.
- The new SFRS and other materials are now available digitally online so it can be accessed anywhere at any time – even during COVID lockdowns or in the middle of conflict zones.
These and many more new elements will fully launch in early 2021.
We’re reaching out to stakeholders all around the country to help them become more strongly engaged and equipped to minister to the thousands of military members around the world. Ministry Partners, Churches, Donors, Chaplains, Volunteers and others will all be able to be a part of this exciting initiative. These new resources benefit both those ministering and the people they serve.
Our goal is to equip and partner with any group that will help care for our brave military personnel and helps them learn about the love that Jesus has for them.
Order Your SFRS Guidebook Here!