Our Story – Cru Military

Posted in: Stories

Watch the Video to Hear the Story of A Near Fatal Collision That Led to Jesus

On July 14th, 2003, Gabe Garriga suffered injuries from a near-fatal vehicle collision while deployed in Iraq. Following this event, Gabe became a believer in Jesus Christ, and began volunteering with Cru Military®. Watch his powerful testimony and how it led to a thriving ministry reaching thousands of Naval recruits weekly.

We are grateful for you!

Thank you for your heart to help reach military members who need the hope of Jesus Christ. Your prayers and support are making a difference.

As you feel led to reach service members for Christ, you can anytime through online giving via credit card or by calling toll-free 1-888-278-7233, 8:00am-5:00pm EST, Monday-Friday. Be sure to mention the donation is to benefit Cru Military.

Monthly Giving is a powerful way to make a lasting impact through your giving. Consider helping reach servicemen and women monthly, making an eternal difference all year!  Select  “monthly” under Gift Frequency when .

Your charitable donations are tax-deductible. The ministry’s tax identification number is 95-6006173. Cru Military® is a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ International®. The ministry operates under the brand name, Cru®, in the United States.  Cru Military operates as Military Ministry internationally.

