Wounded Soldier, Healing Warrior

“Oh God, I’m dead!” Allen Clark graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1963. He volunteered for a tour in Vietnam where he sustained injuries in a mortar attack […]

Spiritual Fitness

The definition used by the military says that “spiritual fitness” is about core values, beliefs, and the source of one’s meaning in life. The U.S. Army’s Comprehensive Soldier Fitness Program lists five […]

Two Wars

A Chinook helicopter down. Surrounded by al-Qaeda. The ultimate fight for survival. Army Ranger hero, Nate Self tells the complete account of the battle he led in Afghanistan to rescue a […]

What happened to my husband?

Lauren’s Journal… “Where is my husband? Who is this man that they sent home to me? There must be some mistake! I pick up the morning paper and read the […]

Go ahead. Shoot me.

Have you ever wondered if God really cares about what happens to you as you live life? Quite frankly, the thought had never entered my mind while living some of […]

You are NOT weak

If you are suffering from PTSD, every day can provide a new surge of fearful thoughts that threaten to shut you down and turn you into stone.  This condition exists […]

Door Openers and Closers

Most people have good intentions when they reach out to a combat veteran and want to help and support. But sometimes they respond with questions or comments that should have […]
