Faith Deployed … Again
Posted in: Chaplains, Deployment, Marriage

Vision Check
“When Rob and I married, we chose the hymn ‘Be Thou My Vision’ to be played while we lit our unity candle. I had always loved the lyrics, but I had no idea how perfect they would prove to be… not just for a single moment during a wedding ceremony, but for the day-to-day military lifestyle I was entering into.
“So much of how we think, feel, and live depends on our vision — what we choose to see in any given situation. In fact, I believe that the difference between being simply concerned or being consumed by worry rides on where we tend to focus our sight.” – From “Faith Deployed… Again” by Jocelyn Green
More Daily Encouragement for Military Wives
As husbands are being deployed multiple times, the women left behind desperately need encouragement and strength to maintain the home front. If you are lonely, overwhelmed by the needs around you, and stressed by a unique lifestyle, you can be equipped to respond biblically to the daily struggles that threaten to wear you down.
Faith Deployed…Again: More Daily Encouragement for Military Wives is filled with wisdom and insight from over twenty-five Christian wives, representing every branch of the military; stories of the unchanging character of God; and encouragment, strength, community and hope for you, the hero at home.
Endorsements for Faith Deployed
“Faith Deployed… Again” emanates from the heart of Christ and flows through military wives who have experienced the ordeals that all hold in common. You will find a hug from Jesus on every page that will give light to an otherwise shadowy day, or the strength and courage necessary to persevere when weakness threatens your soul. — Bob Flynn, president/CEO, Christian Military Fellowship Daily reminders of why the truth we find in God’s Word are so important for a military spouse. In her new book, “Faith Deployed…Again,” Jocelyn Green creates yet another wonderful opportunity for military spouses to focus on God’s truth while relating to the shared experiences of other spouses. — Sara Horn, founder of Wives of Faith and author of “GOD Strong: A Military Wife’s Spiritual Survival Guide” and “Tour of Duty: Preparing Our Hearts for Deployment” “Faith Deployed…Again” is a masterpiece for military wives – a life-application manual loaded with wisdom from God’s Word as told by women intimately familiar with the daily challenges of life in today’s military. Inspiring, encouraging, faith-building, hope-giving – this book is all that and more! — Chaplain COL. Scott McChrystal (USA ret) Mil/VA rep and endorser, Assemblies of God Chaplaincy Ministries“Faith Deployed … Again” by Jocelyn Green (© 2011 Moody Press) is available through the Recommended Resources in our Resource Store.