Two Wars
Posted in: Combat Trauma/PTSD, Deployment

A Chinook helicopter down.
Surrounded by al-Qaeda.
The ultimate fight for survival.
Army Ranger hero, Nate Self tells the complete account of the battle he led in Afghanistan to rescue a Navy SEAL who had fallen into the hands of al-Qaeda fighters. It’s the story of a hero who fights two wars—the fight in Afghanistan and the fight to preserve his mind and soul, his family and home. It’s an intimate, unforgettable story of one of America’s own—a rare look into a soldier’s soul.
Fighting on Two Fronts – Abroad and Within
In recounting the Roberts Ridge Rescue mission, the ferocious battles in Afghanistan, and the lone war of attrition, Nate Self unveils the war he waged against post-traumatic stress disorder. His book is a go-to book for understanding the long-term effects of the war on terror. Thousands of families are fighting this battle, and Nate Self opens up his whole life—tragedies, successes, failures, and a struggle with suicidal thoughts—to share the facts and to show how his family and his faith pulled him through.
About Nate Self
Nate Self is the former Ranger Captain who risked his life in Afghanistan in the battle of Takur Ghar (translated “Tall Mountain”), also known as the Rescue on Roberts Ridge. For his heroism, Nate Self was awarded the Silver Star, the Bronze Star, and the Purple Heart. His story was featured on the front page of the Wall Street Journal, on NBC’s Dateline, and in other books. He has been celebrated and examined as a model of exemplary leadership both in combat and in civilian life. Nate lives in Texas with his wife and their three children.
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