Rise Up

The mission of Cru Military®, also known as the military ministry of Cru®, is to Win, Build and Send Christ-centered multiplying disciples who are connecting the lost to Jesus Christ. We have staff and volunteers at military bases across the United States, as well as dedicated staff and volunteers in over 34 countries around the world reaching out to cadet academies for both military members and police personnel of their respective nations. Some of the intentional issues taken on by staff include helping military marriages thrive, partnering with women ministries as they serve in their communities, spiritual answers, help with Post-traumatic Stress (PTS), and providing leadership to ensure there are relevant resources and meaningful training available for those who desire to “serve those who serve”, and their families. The words of our organization’s founder, Colonel Jack Fain, still motivates our mission today, “A man or woman in uniform, bearing arms and subject to enemy action, deserves first priority to hear the gospel of Christ at this time.”