Staff Opportunities
Posted in: Personal Growth

Cru Military relies on a variety of staff levels. Read our staff category summary to find out what level best matches your interest and availability. Then, read our shortlist of positions below. Don’t worry if you don’t see an opportunity that fits your interests below, we still want to hear from you! Fill out this form and we will connect with you within two days.
Visit here to begin the staff application process.
Current Opportunities
Operational Field Staff
Provide spiritual nurture to military personnel and their families. Ministry includes communicating personal testimony and God’s plan and promises, training, teaching, discipleship, and team building.
- Fort Benning, GA
- Pensacola, FL
- San Antonio, TX
- Monterey, CA
- San Diego, CA
- JBLM, Tacoma, WA
- Fort Leavenworth, KS
- Colorado Springs, CO
- National Capital Region: Fort Meade, Fort Myer, and Andrews AFB, MD and VA
- Hampton Roads, VA
- Cherry Point, NC
Field Staff: Military Campus
Reach military men and women for Christ at their initial entry points. Ministry includes communicating personal testimony and God’s plan and promises, training, teaching, discipleship, and team building.
Military School Locations:
- US Naval Academy, MD
- US Air Force Academy, CO
- US Military Academy, NY
- Carlisle, PA
- Fort Leavenworth, KS
- Maxwell, AFB
- Newport, RI
Field Staff: Gateways (Basic Training)
Spiritually nurture men and women for Christ at their initial entry points. Ministry includes communicating personal testimony and God’s plan and promises, training, teaching, discipleship, and team building.
- Great Lakes Naval Training Center, IL
- Ft. Jackson, SC
- Parris Island, SC
- Lackland AFB, TX
- Camp Lejeune, NC
- Fort Sill, OK
- Fort Leonard Wood, MO
- Cherry Point, NC
Please check back for new opportunities.