The SFG is now SFRS
Posted in: Engaging the Military, Newsletter

The popular Spiritual Fitness Guidebook has been updated and is now titled the Spiritually Fit – Ready to Serve Guidebook (SFRS). The goal of this revision is to keep a consistent message across all platforms and to update the content to be more identifiable and relevant to the Gen Z culture.
For over thirty years, Cru Military teams have been sharing the gospel by using content from the Four Spiritual Laws and How to Live a Spirit Filled Life, which are incorporated into the Spiritual Fitness Guidebook. Today, over 7,000 recruits/ trainees from the US Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps go through these courses each week as we partner with U.S. Military Chaplains to provide Christian Education.
This impactful program is going to the next level, through relevant material changes and strategic connection points. The SFRS program serves to motivate service members to be “Spiritually Fit” by being in a right relationship with God, which will empower them to be “Ready to Serve” those around them and live out their military duty with honor.
The Keys changes to look forward to:
- Written in a conversational tone
- Simpler gospel presentation
- Short stories intermixed throughout the “guide” which reflect key points, are military contextualized, address cultural and felt needs, and seek gospel application.
- The warrior identity is brought to the forefront and communicated in a more concise and relational way.
- The launch of an enhanced web platform and mobile app that will serve to bring together like-minded military service members, who want to explore their faith together.