Where do we go from here?

The year was 1940. The French Army had just collapsed under Hitler’s onslaught. The Dutch had folded, overwhelmed by the Nazi regime. The Belgians had surrendered. And the British Army was trapped on the coast of France in the channel port of Dunkirk.
Two hundred and twenty thousand of Britain’s finest young men seemed doomed to die. The Nazi troops, only miles away in the hills of France, didn’t realize how close to victory they actually were.
Any rescue attempt seemed feeble and futile in the time remaining. Politicians were paralyzed. The king was powerless. And the Allies could only watch as spectators from a distance. Then, as the doom of the British Army seemed imminent, a strange fleet appeared on the horizon of the English Channel –the wildest assortment of boats perhaps ever assembled in history. Trawlers, tugs, scows, fishing sloops, lifeboats, pleasure craft, sailboats, even the London fire-brigade flotilla. Each ship was manned by civilian volunteers – English fathers sailing to rescue Britain’s exhausted, bleeding sons.
William Manchester writes in his epic book, “The Last Lion,” that what happened in 1940, in less than 24 hours, seems even today like a miracle. Not only were all the British soldiers rescued, but 118,000 other Allied troops as well.
Today’s families are much like those troops at Dunkirk. Pressured, trapped and demoralized, they need help. Too often we stand waiting for politicians, professionals, and pastors to step in and save the family. But even all these forces working together cannot address the full scope of the problem. Volunteers are needed – people like you who want to reach out to save families.
Marriage and parenting training, evangelism and discipleship occur most effectively in the context of a loving group atmosphere. HomeBuilders discipleship groups provide just such a place where couples can gain wisdom, marriages can grow strong and families can be healed. In groups like these we learn that our loving heavenly Father provides wisdom in His Word, the Bible. He also provides courage and strength when we trust in Him. He loves to surprise us with His love and invites us to join His work to reach a hurting world.
Will you consider becoming part of the family’s “Dunkirk armada”? You can become a small group leader in your community.
I encourage you to continue building your marriage:
1) Attend an “Art of Marriage” event, a “Weekend to Remember” event or some kind of marriage enrichment conference. These events provide encouraging yet intensive opportunities to strengthen your marriage and family. A calendar of events is available at www.militaryreadyfamily.org.
2) Participate in a HomeBuilders Parenting or Couples Series study in your area.
3) Start your own HomeBuilders study group.
4) Become a volunteer to reach the military in your area by contacting our headquarters to learn of opportunities available to you.