Looking for Leverage
Working Together “Let us have confidence, then, and approach God’s throne, where there is grace. There we will receive mercy and find grace to help us just when we need […]
Light in a Dark Place
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. — Romans 12:12 Desire To Be A Light We gather with military couples every Saturday night for dinner and Bible study. […]
Servant Leadership
WHO WANTS TO BE FIRST? In first century Palestine, authority and power were at a premium. The Romans ruled with pomp and authority. To see the centurions and their soldiers […]
Time To Embrace A New Direction?
When God calls for a change of plans, whose agenda takes priority? Isaiah 43:19 The earthquake that shook the nation of Nepal on May 12, 2015 12:50 pm with a […]
Do I Need a Tattoo too?
The air in the room is blue, colored by the obscenity-laden talk from the group. Arms and necks are decorated with tattoo art. In fact, I am likely the only […]
A Letter to Chaplains
Dear Chaplain, As you prepare to transition from active duty, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks for your dedicated ministry to our nation. You have sacrificed much for the […]
Christians who enter the military are under two commissions. You are commissioned by our Lord to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and you are commissioned by the military to […]
Return to Mogadishu
During the violent and dangerous events of Black Hawk Down, former U.S. Army Ranger, Jeff Struecker was certain he’d die. But in the very center of chaos, Jeff’s certainty of death […]
Test of Faith
The incident in Mogadishu, Somalia, made famous by the book and movie, “Black Hawk Down,” changed my life. It all began after high school when I visited an army recruiter. […]