We are a caring community passionate about connecting the global military community to Jesus Christ.
We are individuals, churches, chaplains … people just like you … drawn together to spiritually build up the military community by meeting them at their greatest point of need.
Our mission is to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith and sending Christ-centered multiplying disciples who launch spiritual movements in the global military community.
Our National Team ministers to American service members in the United States and around the world.
Our Global Team, known as Military Ministry, ministers to the militaries of 34 other countries.

1. Helping the military community
Explore faith in Jesus Christ
Grow in faith
Connect with a spiritually supportive community
2. Training, equipping and supporting individuals, churches, and ministries seeking to minister to the military in their midst.
We tailor our resources, training, and seminars to meet the military community at their greatest point of need. We address the unique needs of the following groups.
Together, we can see this community grow so that everyone in the global military community knows someone who truly follows Jesus.
In doing so, we believe many will become followers of Christ who in turn evangelize and disciple others. Guided by these aspirations, we pursue our mission with humility, compassion, and excellence because the people whom we serve deserve nothing less.
While basic training makes recruits physically and mentally tough, Cru Military helps make them spiritually fit.
“Recruits show up and are taken to their physical and emotional limits. They think they are on the threshold of death and in that moment they are so hungry for hope.” —Cru Military Staff Member
Cru Military has developed a series of evangelistic and spiritual growth classes that clearly present the gospel to young recruits while proclaiming the gospel with power and grace. Each week Cru Military staff and volunteers serve with Chaplains to build their foundation in Christ.
“I just want to thank you for what you and Cru Military are doing. I grew up in a church but never really attended until I got to [basic training]. The first week that I was here … I heard the gospel and made a decision to accept Christ as my Lord and Savior.” —Jacob, Army Recruit
As our servicemen and women defend our freedom, they face unique challenges. We recognize they need spiritual support and guidance that addresses their specific needs.
Through small groups, biblical resources, and partnerships with Chaplains, and church-based ministries, Cru Military helps spiritually develop them through their careers, provides resources and lay counselor training for recovery from PTSD and combat trauma, as well as resources and seminars to develop and maintain strong covenantal marriages and godly families.
“… through my involvement in Cru Military, I grew to understand foundational spiritual truths and how to apply them to my life and my mission.” —Army Officer
Transitioning to civilian life can be a daunting task for veterans and retirees. We recognize they need spiritual support and guidance that addresses their specific needs.
Through small groups, biblical resources, and partnerships with Chaplains, and church-based ministries, Cru Military helps spiritually develop them through their careers, provides resources and lay counselor training for recovery from PTSD and combat trauma, as well as resources and seminars to develop and maintain strong covenantal marriages and godly families.
“When I came home from Iraq, I had no idea why I had so many problems. My problems destroyed my marriage, job and life. Since being given your book, “The Combat Trauma Healing Manual,” and discussing with my counselor, it has changed my life. Thank you for bringing Christ into the healing process.” —17-year Army Veteran
Combat Trauma and PTSD are not just psychological conditions they are spiritual as well. We believe that faith truly makes a difference in helping service members and their families recover and heal from the wounds of war.
Cru Military has developed biblically-based resources for service members, their families, and professional and lay counselors who minister to them.
“When I came home from Iraq, I had no idea why I had so many problems. My problems destroyed my marriage, job and life. Since being given your book, “The Combat Trauma Healing Manual,” and discussing with my counselor, it has changed my life. Thank you for bringing Christ into the healing process.” —17-year Army Veteran
Cru Military understands the unique challenges and sacrifices made by spouses and children of service members. We prepare families to provide hope on the home front through our spiritual resources, devotional web-sites, military marriage seminars, small groups, and church-based ministries. Our teams of staff and volunteer leaders develop and lead ongoing military-specific HomeBuilders® discipleship groups for couples at many military installation locations around the world.
“In the months before coming to the marriage getaway I asked for a divorce. I thought my marriage had no hope. After this weekend I've become completely committed to my marriage, and I feel like I now have the tools to make it work.” —Military couple, married 4 years
Military Ministry, the name of Cru Military internationally, is currently active in nearly 30 countries in Latin America, Africa, Europe, and Asia. Our expertise, resources and training help national leaders build active ministries they operate in their own countries. It is our goal to help them tailor resources and programs in their native language and specific to the conditions faced by their armed forces and their families.
“I use to go into battle with a friend who was 16 years old and a little bigger than me. I was too small to pull and lock my AK-47 for firing, so I would pass my weapon to my friend and he would load it and return it to me. Now I am preparing my disciples to wage spiritual warfare and be armed to fight a good fight of faith!” —Pastor and former child soldier from South Sudan.”
Service members and their families live life in constant transition. They need welcoming communities to build them up and when its time, help them transition to civilian life. Cru Military is here to provide churches and ministries with the training, resources, and strategies to make their community feel like home.
“The fact that 70 percent of troops and families who attend church, (or other faith groups) do so off-post means it is a community issue. Churches have a lot more resources than they realize.” —Cru Military staff member, Fort Carson
Our Christ-centered seminars and resources are designed to fit within a church’s existing ministries, such as: small groups, family fellowship events, Christian counseling services, pastoral care and chaplaincy ministries, and service projects and programs.
“From the moment I stepped into Times Square Church, God was beginning to do exactly what I had asked of him: 'Prove to me that anyone cares!' Ultimately, I was asking God to prove to me that He does exist and that I was destined to something more than the hell I was in. That day began an incredible transformation unlike anything I could have ever imagined or created on my own … I could never anticipate how God could show me so much. On Sunday, I gave my whole life back to God.” —Former Army National Guard Flight Medic, Operation Iraqi Freedom