Prayer Network

How can we pray for you? It’s a privilege and honor for the Prayer Team to lift your requests up to the Lord. Please click the “Share Your Prayer Request” button below and your prayer will be received and prayed over.

For this reason, I am telling you, whatever things you ask for in prayer [in accordance with God’s will], believe [with confident trust] that you have received them, and they will be given to you.    — Mark 11:24 (AMP)

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!



I humbly request prayer for employment ASAP. I am a 50+ veteran who recently retired from the Texas state government and have had a very difficult time being able to connect to individuals and agencies that support veteran employment.

Please pray that GOD will Grant me Guidance and Direction according to His Will. In addition, please pray that He will Provide individuals, companies, etc., that will assist me in nailing down employment soon. I have a variety of knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA's) and am well-versed in each of them.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for me.

Shalom (Peace)!

Received: August 19, 2022


Pray for total healing and salvation in the most precious blood of Jesus for all those around me, myself, and all I've left undone or failed.

Received: June 1, 2022


Please pray for protection around me. My best friend has turned abusive and narcissistic and has now stolen my car. Please pray that the mind of Christ be in him that he knows he is loved and that he stops hurting me and returns the car. Also pray for me to be consistent in my walk with God and that support and assistance comes to me that has my best interest, and does not try to hurt, manipulate, judge, and degrade me while helping me.


Dedicated with love


Received: May 22, 2022


I have a prayer request for my healing, to have a good overall health. I also struggle with one course in college, please pray for me to pass all the exams, so that I will be able to graduate. Thank you.

Received: March 29, 2022


A prayer for comfort for my family, who is reeling from the shock of my older brother's murder. Words cannot begin to describe the pain I see in my mom, who has an inner peace of my brother being with God, but the emotional pain is there. The image I can never forget is seeing her at his casket hunched over crying. My younger brother, I've never seen him cry until then. His daughters having to know this the of loss, their tears and expressions of loss, the three of them standing, watching his casket lowered. His girlfriend, who's only been a positive for him and us. Even his dog, who whines waiting for him after his girlfriend comes through the door and when she goes looking for him when she hears his voice through a recording. My own loss, at times is crushing and leaves me wondering about God and His knowledge of how things end and why he allows such tragedies. All the questions, no real answers, even when we go to trial, which is a whole different ordeal to fathom.

Prayers of comfort and peace at all times of the day and night. Currently after 2AM and the cementing of his death is still getting to me and to the family. The first born son and grandson, has passed. My big brother, has passed and some part of me is great denial, anger and grief. Pray for us, please.

Received: March 7, 2022


I have been wanting to join the military, specifically the Navy for years, since high school. Upon the advice of my Uncle, a former Marine and Sailor, I attended college and met those who had served in the Navy and my desire grew.

Unfortunately, life got in the way, focus of major, work for the need of finances, and more work for several years. I am now older and that desire has not vanished or wavered. I did feel a bit discouraged due to a childhood medical issue which set me back, records wise, but I am back at it and I am believing for open doors. I would like for prayer in agreement.

Received: March 7, 2022

Kristine Stolworthy

Just had a mini stroke today. Praying God will heal me.

Received: March 5, 2022


My boyfriend, my rock, my best friend, my everything, tried to take his life on Thursday evening. Though God was with us and worked through me to get the loaded handgun out of his grip, this event has rocked the very foundation of our lives and our home. We have been dating for 3 years, and in that time, I have come to know him for exactly who he is- A brave, caring, supportive, respectable soldier. He has without a doubt saved my life and has provided so much for my daughter and I, including a place to call home that finally feels like home. We initially bonded because of our shared history of trauma, and although we are vastly different in many ways, we complement each other.

He is now locked up in a medical facility, and I can't see him. I feel to blame as I am the one who started the argument that escalated to his barricading himself inside a locked room with a loaded gun. I called his mental health cope line and asked for help. They sent police who talked with him but ended up pink slipping him. I'm not sure how long it will be until I see him again and welcome him home.

In the moments where I was outside of the door of that room, I had felt a terror I cannot describe. I was just a door away from evil. I know this. The voice I heard was not the man I know and love. I believe with all of my heart that God worked through me and provided me the ability to speak calmly to him, the bravery to push into the room and face him and his loaded pistol, and the strength to peel his fingers from the grip and disarm him. He has long identified as an atheist, but to me I see him as a man of God, he acts with dignity and respect, and he has care for others more than himself. I know that God brought us together for a reason, and I know that he is destinated for amazing things. Please pray for my boyfriend. Please ask God to reveal the truth to him in a way that is special and impactful to him. Please pray that he gets better, can come home soon, and that God will work with us together to enrich the lives of other veterans such as himself. And please join me in thanking God for keeping him safe, and giving him the courage to face these demons, because it's time for him to defeat them once and for all.

Thank you so very much.

Received: February 26, 2022


My son in law Andy is in Middle East his family wife & three girls are in Arizona she has asked for divorce and his heart is breaking over this. He knows Jesus & hoping God will help them to be together when he gets back to the US they both are in the Air Force.

Received: February 19, 2022


My husband is a veteran with PTSD. He is struggling with his faith and is very depressed. Please pray for him.

Received: February 15, 2022

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