We Grieve Alone

By: Missy Bearden G R I E F As a military spouse for 22+ years I became very familiar with grief. Learning how to grieve missed relationships once we PCS’ed […]

Moving Forward and Hope With PTS

“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.” Exodus 20:2 ESV You can create opportunities for new […]

Where’s the Peace in the World Filled With Fear?

Story by: Rachel Ferchak Geckle, with Eric Coe (cru.org) I’m still worried. My dad is part of the population most vulnerable to the new coronavirus. He has a degenerative illness […]

Betrayed and Feeling Helpless, This Military Wife Trusted God

Betrayed and Feeling Helpless, This Military Wife Trusted God Purposeful Love and Grace We first encountered the young Marine who was assigned to the Wounded Warrior Battalion when we volunteered […]

PTSD From a Child’s Perspective

PTSD from a child’s perspective: What is happening with my daddy? “We used to go to the park a lot before Daddy went away for such a long time,” said […]

PTSD: How Do I Move Into The Future?

“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.” Exodus 20:2 ESV A new year typically offers us […]

Practical Suggestions for Ministering to Combat Trauma Sufferers

Most of these suggestions come from combat veterans who have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Others come from friends and family who love and care for […]

Hope VS Wishful Thinking

“Is that present what I think it is? The box looks about the right size. I sure hope so. I’ve really been wanting it. It is hard to wait until […]

Introducing the Bridges to Healing Children’s Series

“How does one explain combat trauma to small children whose hearts are already hurting?” – Jocelyn Green In answer to her own question, Jocelyn wrote,“‘My Hero’s Home!!’ is an inviting, […]

Combat Trauma e-books

Combat Trauma manuals are now Kindle e-books! The release of “The Combat Trauma Healing Manual” in 2007 opened up new (or reminded us of 2000-year-old) Christ-centered solutions to facing Combat […]
