Take the Deployment Dare
Have you read the book “The Love Dare” or watched the movie “Fireproof”? You may have had the thought, “What good is it to do ‘The Love Dare’ when we’re […]

You are NOT weak
If you are suffering from PTSD, every day can provide a new surge of fearful thoughts that threaten to shut you down and turn you into stone. This condition exists […]

Follow Jesus like a Soldier
The Scriptures often use the military as a metaphor for the Christian life. Therefore, if you understand the military, you will better understand the principle being taught about the Christian […]

Challenges of Deployment
Case Study: Al and Marie are young newlyweds in the military who moved into the home next door a few months ago. Everything is new to this young couple–being away […]

Run to the Pain
I have always known, as has anyone who knows us, that Rick and I have very different in personalities. We clearly share the same faith, convictions and values, but the ways […]

Door Openers and Closers
Most people have good intentions when they reach out to a combat veteran and want to help and support. But sometimes they respond with questions or comments that should have […]

Where do we go from here?
The year was 1940. The French Army had just collapsed under Hitler’s onslaught. The Dutch had folded, overwhelmed by the Nazi regime. The Belgians had surrendered. And the British Army […]

Pray for Your Family During Deployment
…that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him. I pray […]

The ABCs of Long Distance Parenting
“I’m not there! What can I do about it?” If you’ve ever heard those words from a deployed service member, you know the frustration they offer up to the one at home. So here are some thoughts to help—they’re so simple we call them the “ABCs” of long-distance parenting.