All Posts Tagged ‘Deployment’

Is this what marriage was supposed to be?

Marriage and Deployment “So they are no longer two, but one.  Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.” —Matthew 19:6 Our ministry verse has been “With my mouth […]

Love Your Chaplain

Chaplain? Father Mulcahy! For many, the only chaplain they’ve seen is Father Mulcahy on the TV show M.A.S.H. A kind-hearted, wise and faithful priest, he was a key supporting character. […]

Cancer and Deployment

Deployment. Here you go again. Or, maybe this is your first experience with a military separation. Regardless, the level of stress increases as you face this time apart. The uncertainty […]

Challenges of Deployment

Case Study: Al and Marie are young newlyweds in the military who moved into the home next door a few months ago. Everything is new to this young couple–being away […]
