All Posts Tagged ‘Marriage’

Is this what marriage was supposed to be?
Marriage and Deployment “So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.” —Matthew 19:6 Our ministry verse has been “With my mouth […]

Cancer and Deployment
Deployment. Here you go again. Or, maybe this is your first experience with a military separation. Regardless, the level of stress increases as you face this time apart. The uncertainty […]

Harambee in Marriage
Teamwork A sure formula for success in sports and in the workplace. Teams that know how to collaborate and unite are most effective in reaching their objectives. Teamwork is also […]

Defending the Military Marriage
Servicemen and women get top-notch training to complete their mission to defend life and liberty. But they sometimes find that they’re ill-equipped to complete the lifelong mission spelled out in […]