2022 Advent Devotion: Claiming HOPE

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will […]

Preparing Our Hearts for Christ

Sunday, November 27: Claiming Hope Sunday, December 4: There is Power in LOVE Sunday, December 11: Count it all JOY Sunday, December 18: How do you find PEACE?

Advent Devotional: Preparing Our Hearts for Christ

We are glad you are joining the Cru Military® family for this Advent Journey! Whether you are in the military, know someone in the military, or care deeply about the […]

Executive Director Named for Cru Military

Over the past several months, the two of us engaged a team of leaders to seek the Lord for the next Executive Director of Cru Military®. Through the support of […]

Sharing An Exponential Gospel

Word came out of Naval Station Great Lakes (NSGL) that the Cru Military® Bible study had gone from a dozen sailors to nearly 1,000 in just weeks. It sounded impossible. […]

Veterans Day 2022

As a gift to you, download or read online the Spiritually Fit Ready to Serve Guidebook: Marine Sailor Soldier Airman Coast Guardsman  

Avoiding Friendly Fire: Conversations that will Encourage Your Veteran Friends

friend·ly fire /ˈfren(d)lē ˈfī(ə)r/ noun weapon fire coming from one’s own side, especially fire that causes accidental injury or death to one’s own forces There is nothing more heart-wrenching than […]

The Journey of a Joyful Nomad

Written by Karen Jacobs Being the new person in town, I want to curl up in a protective ball. (Insert dramatic sigh here.) It is that sinking feeling every time […]

Significant Stressors for Military Families

Understanding the Needs of Military Families: Significant Stressors As we seek to support military families, we need to understand the unique challenges and stressors that differentiate them from non-military families. […]

Value as a Military Spouse

By: Amy Allender I entered life as a military spouse with great naivety. I expected deployments, but I didn’t expect the profound challenges the military lifestyle would present for my […]
