Combat Trauma e-books

Combat Trauma manuals are now Kindle e-books! The release of “The Combat Trauma Healing Manual” in 2007 opened up new (or reminded us of 2000-year-old) Christ-centered solutions to facing Combat […]

Staff Opportunities

Cru Military relies on a variety of staff levels. Read our staff category summary to find out what level best matches your interest and availability. Then, read our shortlist of […]

Determining God’s Call

3 Points to Consider Before Joining the Mission Any sincere Christian who wants to know the will of God concerning his life can know it, but this is typically a […]

Qualifications & Standards

We use the following list of qualifications in our process to select missionary staff for Cru. Please note these criteria are not for the purpose of judging a person’s standing […]

Salary & Benefits

Cru is a faith-based missions organization. Becoming a full-time staff member involves not only meeting the standards for staff, but also raising funds to cover the financial needs of your […]

Bringing Hope to Our Heroes

  Since 1965, spiritual warriors like you have partnered with Cru Military to help men and women in our global military community discover the life-changing reality of knowing Jesus Christ […]

North Platte Canteen

This 7 minute video produced by Cru Military (formerly Military Ministry) was uploaded to YouTube in 2007. It is narrated by Dick Foth, who told the Canteen story live in […]

Bridges to Healing Ministry

The Bridges to Healing video, produced in 2007, introduces the Bridges to Healing ministry of Cru Military.

How to be a Bridge Person

You can become more effective in becoming a Bridge Person… a person who helps bridge the gap between a warrior who is wounded and Jesus Christ. Don’t be a barrier […]

What Not to Say to Combat Veterans (and Why)

This is a general guideline put together by former Sergeant Andi Westfall, who served with the National Guard as a medic during Operation Iraqi Freedom and who suffers with PTSD. […]
