Search for ptsd returned 47 results

PTSD Prayers from King David- Though I’ve Walked Through the Valley
PTSD and King David? “Be gracious to me, O LORD, for I am in distress; my eyes grow weak with sorrow, my soul and my body with grief. My life […]

What Does A Military Kid Say About PTSD?
What Does a Military Kid Say About PTSD? Q. What does your father do in the military? A. “My dad is a chaplain in the Navy and he has been […]

PTSD From a Child’s Perspective
PTSD from a child’s perspective: What is happening with my daddy? “We used to go to the park a lot before Daddy went away for such a long time,” said […]

PTSD: How Do I Move Into The Future?
“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.” Exodus 20:2 ESV A new year typically offers us […]

Cru Military Staff on a Mission to Provide Help and Hope for Military-Related Trauma
Editorial Warning: Different types of trauma and suicide are mentioned. In recognition of PTSD Awareness Month, Alyssa Mersino, Social Media Marketing Specialist, sat down with Steve and Karen Dorner, Cru […]

Christ-centered Solutions for Combat Trauma: The Combat Trauma Healing Manual
Thousands of servicemen and women suffer invisible wounds of war long after the battle ends, struggling with painful feelings and memories or readjusting to family life. In many cases, […]
How do I find out more about spiritual resources for PTSD that I can use at a Veteran’s group study in my church? We have a number of great […]

Avoiding Friendly Fire: Conversations that will Encourage Your Veteran Friends
friend·ly fire /ˈfren(d)lē ˈfī(ə)r/ noun weapon fire coming from one’s own side, especially fire that causes accidental injury or death to one’s own forces There is nothing more heart-wrenching than […]

American Combat Veterans and PTS
story by Evangeline Vergo – A year ago CruMilitary, asked a group of Army soldiers and their spouses, “What are the greatest challenges you face?” The men and women […]
Care and Counsel for Combat Trauma
Care and Counsel for Combat Trauma In 2009, Cru Military, the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) and Light University collaborated to produce a one-of-a-kind video training program. This program […]