Thanksgiving Devotion Series

Posted in: Stories

We are glad you are joining our Cru Military® family for the Thanksgiving devotion series! Whether you are in the military, know someone in the military, or even just care deeply about the military, you know this time of year can be challenging. With changing locations, missing holidays when duty calls, travel, maintaining connections with family and friends, and even concerns about the future–it is hard to have a quiet moment in peace to reflect on the goodness of God.

So we wanted to make it easy for you! If you haven’t yet, you can sign up here to receive a devotion in your inbox every Wednesday during the month of November. Take a few minutes to read it and reflect on what God has given us as believers! We hope you will complete the series being more grateful and ready to enter the season of Advent worshiping King Jesus!

If you would like to catch up on past weeks, you will be able to do that below. Please note that links to each week’s devotional don’t go live until the day they are sent out.

Week 1: Thanking God for giving you His Unending Love

Week 2: Thanking God for giving you His Spiritual Heart

Week 3: Thanking God for giving you His Breath of Life

Week 4: Thanking God for giving you His Word

Week 5: Thanking God for giving you His Strength
