Author Archive

Tina Woodruff: 50 Years of Faithful Service with Cru Military
Fifty years: that is how long Tina Woodruff has been faithfully connecting the military community to Christ. She joined Cru Military® in February of 1974, almost ten years after the […]

Celebrating Baptisms: Winning Soldiers to Christ at Fort Sill
So Many Baptisms During a Sunday service at an Army post in Oklahoma, so many soldiers wanted to get baptized that they needed to bring in more equipment—and more people. […]

Signs Your Military Kid May Need Counseling
by Sarah Olsen Every child is different and likewise, their personalities respond differently to external circumstances. When a parent is deployed, or when your family moves often, it can take […]

Thanksgiving Devotion: Thanking God for giving you His Strength
Week 5 There are so many reasons we can lose any race we have to run. If you are an athlete and don’t train, eat well and rest properly, then […]

Thanksgiving Devotion: Thanking God for giving you His Word
Week 4 One of the ways we can show God how much we are thankful for Him is by how we manage our minds. This concept is a rather huge […]

Q&A With An AOA
We sat down with Cru Military team member, Sonya Silva, to ask her some questions about her role. She currently serves as the West AOA and the interim Central AOA. […]

Thanksgiving Devotion: Thanking God for giving you His Breath of Life
Week 3 This time of the year, we are experiencing some of the finest displays of beauty in our earthly landscapes, and the cool, crisp fall air is so refreshing […]

Thanksgiving Devotion: Thanking God for giving you His Spiritual Heart
Week 2 Our heart is vital. We cannot live without our heart. There are so many miraculous features about what happens when our hearts pump blood, but one feature should […]

Thanksgiving Devotion: Thanking God for giving you His Unending Love
Week 1 There are so many things in our lives we could verbally thank God for. I’m sure at a celebration meal for Thanksgiving, you have said, “Thank you, God, […]

Demand Is High and Supplies Are Running Out!
A relationship with Jesus is the foundation for transforming and strengthening the lives of military recruits as they prepare for service. That’s why our Spiritually Fit — Ready to Serve (SFRS) evangelism […]